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The Burgeoning Spiderwort is a plant in every Pikmin game except for the first one. It produces the berries needed to make Ultra-Spicy Spray and Ultra-Bitter Spray. Each plant of this species can hold up to five berries, though not always the same kind of berry. They are found in the Awakening Wood, Perplexing Pool, and Wistful Wild in Pikmin 2, Tropical Wilds, Garden of Hope, Distant Tundra, and Twilight River in Pikmin 3, and in several areas in Pikmin 4.

In Pikmin 2Ravenous Whiskerpillars can appear in their vicinity, as well as a type of mold that shows up and keeps the plants from growing. The berries can be harvested rather quickly with a medium-large group of Pikmin. If a small amount of Pikmin is the only group available, be warned that berries felled from the plant may disappear before the Pikmin are done harvesting all of them. It's best to use others to collect the berries before they disintegrate. Most Burgeoning Spiderworts regrow berries after being harvested 5 times each day, and usually moderately soon after all berries have been removed. The plant will bobble up and down after losing its berries, and after it does this 100 times, new berries will grow. In other games, however, the Spiderworts are much less complicated, without any threats and no way to distinguish when they will regrow berries.

Pikmin 2 locations[]


Two Burgeoning Spiderworts that bear Ultra-Spicy Berries.

Ravenous Whiskerpillar(Spiderwort)

A Ravenous Whiskerpillar devouring the berries of one of the plants.

Awakening Wood[]

There are two Spiderworts a short walk away from the landing site, which both produce red berries. If looked at on a map, a player can see that they are found where you land in the Forest of Hope in the first game. In this area two Ravenous Whiskerpillars appear. They will climb up the stem and eat the berries, so attack them when they come out. They can't hurt Pikmin, and the berries will grow back. A mold may also appear here. If it does, attack the bulbous structure with Pikmin and it will eventually fall apart.

There is one near the area where the Iridescent Flint Beetle is, but it does not appear until Day 11. It is on a ledge and only produces red berries.

There is a final one near the entrance to the Bulblax Kingdom. To make reaching it easier, use blues to destroy the water gate behind the landing area. Have them attack the drain there and the water will disappear. Now walk up the slope here. Take a right next to the giant stump and the berry-bearing plant will be in view (Pikmin will take the berries over the ledge so don't worry about their safety). It only produces purple berries.

Perplexing Pool[]

There are two near the Gherkin Gate, both of which produce purple berries. A Fiery Blowhog and Swooping Snitchbug hang around here, as well as three Ravenous Whiskerpillars and the occasional mold.

Beyond the entrance of the Citadel of Spiders, there is a plant stemming from the water, so only Blue Pikmin can attack it. Only red berries are produced from it.

Wistful Wild[]

Near the path to the entrance of the Hole of Heroes, there is a large field with the most known in one area: three of the specified plant. All of them produce both kinds of berries. There are three Whiskerpillars here and a mold will cover each individual plant. A Fiery Blowhog and a Watery Blowhog keep watch over the molds.

Pikmin 3 locations[]

Garden of Hope[]

There are two Burgeoning Spiderwort plants in this level. The first is fairly close to the Drake and Onion. Unfortunately, it is in a part of the Garden of Hope which the player must rescue Louie to get to. It is across a brown bridge, which must be built by the pikmin, being guarded by a Waddlepus. It is one of the best places to get Spiderwort berries because there are no enemies between it and the Drake to catch any Pikmin taking them there, aside from the Waddlepus.

The second one is located even closer to the base, but only appears for a single day, the day when the player first has the opportunity to first discover Blue Pikmin. It is located behind the landing site, near a pond with a Toady Bloyster, a Skitter Leaves, and a pair of Yellow Wollywogs. Once these threats have been cleared, Pikmin can quickly gather berries en masse, but only for that day.

Distant Tundra[]

There are 2 Burgeoning Spiderworts in this location. The first one is located near the exit to the Vehemoth Phosbat's cave and where the Dodge Whistle upgrade can be found. After clearing the area of the nearby Joustmite and Swooping Snitchbugs, Pikmin can harvest these safely.

The other Spiderwort is located on top of the pot where a pile of bridge fragments was located on the initial visit to the area. As such, this plant will not appear on the player's first time here. If the player uses Winged Pikmin to harvest it, they can fly over the river, safely bypassing the Joustmites sleeping below.

Tropical Wilds[]

There is a single Burgeoning Spiderwort plant located in the very center of the level. It is behind the landing site and just beyond the small body of water that holds a Cupid's Grenade. Once the nearby Reinforced gate is blown down and the nearby bridge built, Pikmin will be able to more easily take these berries to the ship.

Twilight River[]

There are 2 Burgeoning Spiderworts in this area. The first one is located just across the river behind the Drake and behind an electric gate. Once the nearby Yellow Wollyhops have been dealt with, Pikmin can harvest these safely. Oddly, Winged Pikmin ride the lily pads back to the Drake, even though they can clearly fly over the river. 

The second one is located right at the entrance of the level's second area. There is a nearby Arachnode, although it should not be much trouble if the player uses any color other than Winged Pikmin to harvest the berries. It is also highly recommended the player has Pikmin move the nearby box so they can have a much easier route back and forth between the berries and the Onion.

Pikmin 4 locations[]

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  • In Pikmin 3, berries fall right off of Spiderworts if struck by a Rock Pikmin.
  • In Pikmin 2, the berries are perfectly round with no apparent stem, but in Pikmin 3, the berries are much more detailed, having a similar appearance to lingonberries or redcurrants.
  • In Pikmin 2, The Burgeoning Spiderwort and the enemy Ujadani are the only plants and enemies to not get logged in the Piklopedia.
  • in Pikmin 3, Rock Pikmin can latch on to them if Charged.
Enemies and plants
Armored Cannon Beetle | Beady Long Legs | Breadbug | Burrowing Snagret | Candypop Bud | Dwarf Bulbear | Dwarf Red Bulborb | Emperor Bulblax | Fiery Blowhog | Female Sheargrub | Goolix | Honeywisp | Iridescent Flint Beetle | Mamuta | Pearly Clamclamp | Pellet Posy | Puffstool | Puffy Blowhog | Male Sheargrub | Shearwig | Smoky Progg | Spotty Bulbear | Swooping Snitchbug | Red Bulborb | Water Dumple | Wolpole | Wollyhop | Yellow Wollyhop
Pikmin 2
Red Bulborb | Hairy Bulborb | Orange Bulborb | Dwarf Bulbear | Spotty Bulbear | Fiery Bulblax | Emperor Bulblax | Empress Bulblax | Bulborb Larva | Water Dumple | Bulbmin | Breadbug | Giant Breadbug | Dwarf Red Bulborb | Dwarf Orange Bulborb | Snow Bulborb | Fiery Blowhog | Watery Blowhog | Puffy Blowhog | Withering Blowhog | Fiery Dweevil | Anode Dweevil | Caustic Dweevil | Munge Dweevil | Volatile Dweevil | Titan Dweevil | Beady Long Legs | Man-at-Legs | Raging Long Legs | Burrowing Snagret | Pileated Snagret | Armored Cannon Beetle Larva | Decorated Cannon Beetle | Segmented Crawbster | Hermit Crawmad | Male Sheargrub | Female Sheargrub | Shearwig | Doodlebug | Iridescent Glint Beetle | Iridescent Flint Beetle | Cloaking Burrow-nit | Ravenous Whiskerpillar | Skitter Leaf | Careening Dirigibug | Swooping Snitchbug | Bumbling Snitchbug | Antenna Beetle | Anode Beetle | Lesser Spotted Jellyfloat | Greater Spotted Jellyfloat | Toady Bloyster | Ranging Bloyster | Wolpole | Yellow Wollyhop | Wollyhop | Creeping Chrysanthemum | Unmarked Spectralid | Honeywisp | Mitite | Gatling Groink | Mamuta | Waterwraith | Crimson Candypop Bud | Golden Candypop Bud | Lapis Lazuli Candypop Bud | Violet Candypop Bud | Ivory Candypop Bud | Queen Candypop Bud | Pellet Posy | Common Glowcap | Glowstem | Clover | Figwort | Dandelion | Seeding Dandelion | Horsetail | Foxtail | Margaret | Fiddlehead | Shoot | Burgeoning Spiderwort
Pikmin 3
Arachnode | Arctic Cannon Larva | Armored Cannon Larva | Armored Mawdad | Bearded Amprat | Bug-Eyed Crawmad | Bulborb | Burrowing Snagret | Calcified Crushblat | Desiccated Skitter Leaf | Dwarf Bulbear | Dwarf Red Bulborb | Dwarf Orange Bulborb | Female Sheargrub | Fiery Blowhog | Flighty Joustmite | Hermit Crawmad | Iridescent Flint Beetle | Joustmite | Male Sheargrub | Medusal Slurker | Necterous Dandelfly | Orange Bulborb | Peckish Aristocrab | Pellet Posy | Phosbat | Plasm Wraith | Puckering Blinnow | Puffy Blowhog | Pyroclasmic Slooch | Quaggled Mireclops | Red Spectralid | Sandbelching Meerslug | Scornet | Scornet Maestro | Shaggy Long Legs | Shearwig | Skeeterskate | Skitter Leaf | Skutterchuck | Spotty Bulbear | Sputtlefish | Swarming Sheargrub | Swooping Snitchbug | Toady Bloyster | Vehemoth Phosbat | Waddlepus | Water Dumple | Watery Blowhog | Whiptongue Bulborb | White Spectralid | Wolpole | Yellow Spectralid | Yellow Wollyhop
Pikmin 4
Albino Dwarf Bulborb | Ancient Sirehound | Anode Beetle | Arctic Cannon Beetle | Arctic Cannon Larva | Aristocrab Offspring | Armored Cannon Larva | Baldy Long Legs | Bearded Amprat | Blizzarding Blowhog | Bloomcap Bloyster | Bogswallow | Breadbug | Bug-Eyed Crawmad | Bulborb | Burrowing Snagret | Chillyhop | Creeping Chrysanthemum | Crusted Rumpup | Desiccated Skitter Leaf | Doodlebug | Downy Snagret | Dwarf Bulbear | Dwarf Bulborb | Dwarf Frosty Bulborb | Dweevil | Emperor Bulblax | Enemy | Female Sheargrub | Fiery Blowhog | Fiery Bulblax | Foolix | Freezecake | Frosty Bulborb | Giant Breadbug | Gildemander | Gildemandwee | Groovy Long Legs | Grubchucker | Hermit Crawmad | Horned Cannon Beetle | Hydro Dweevil | Iceblown Dweevil | Icy Blowhog | Joustmite | Jumbo Bulborb | Mama Sheargrub | Mammoth Snootwhacker | Mamuta | Man-at-Legs | Miniature Snootwhacker | Mitite | Moldy Dwarf Bulborb | Moldy Slooch | Moss | Muckerskate | Pearly Clamclamp | Porquillion | Puckering Blinnow | Puffy Blowhog | Pyroclasmic Slooch | Red Spectralid | Scorchcake | Shearflea | Shearwig | Shockcake | Skutterchuck | Smoky Progg | Snavian | Snowfake Fluttertail | Snowy Blowhog | Sovereign Bulblax | Spotty Bulbear | Startle Spore | Sunsquish | Titan Blowhog | Toady Bloyster | Toxstool | Tusked Blowhog | Venom Dweevil | Waddlepus | Waddlequaff | Waterwraith | Watery Blowhog | Wollyhop | Wolpole | Yellow Wollyhop
Hey! Pikmin
Adult Centipare | Armurk | Berserk Leech Hydroe | Blubbug | Bulborb | Centipare | Clicking Slurker | Coppeller | Crammed Wraith | Crested Mockiwi | Crumbug | Crystalline Crushblat | Electric Cottonade | Electric Spectralid | Electripede | Elongated Crushblat | Emperor Bulblax | Eye-Stalker Bulbeel | Fiery Blowhog | Fiery Blowlet | Fiery Dwarf Bulblax | Fiery Young Yellow Wollywog | Fireflap Bulborb | Fireflinger Groink | Firesnout Beetle | Flatterchuck | Flying Spotted Jellyfloat | Grabbit | Large Splurchin | Long Water Dumple | Luring Slurker | Male Sheargrub | Mockiwi | Muggonfly | Puckering Blinnow | Puffstalk | Puffy Blubbug | Queen Shearwig | Red Bubblimp | Seedbagger | Shearblug | Shearwig | Shooting Spiner (Female) | Shooting Spiner (Male) | Skutterchuck | Sparrowhead | Speargrub | Spiny Coppeller | Sporegrub | Spornet | Starnacle | Stony Flint Beetle | Stuffed Bellbloom | Swooping Snitchbug | Umbloda (Family) | Widemouthed Anode Beetle | Yellow Wollyhop | Young Yellow Wollywog
Amphituber | Arachnorb | Breadbug family | Blowhog | Candypop Bud | Chrysanthemum family | Dweevil | Glowcap family | Grub-dog | Jellyfloat | Lithopod | Mandiblard | Mollusking | Snavian | Unknown Family