Pikmin Wiki
Ultra Bitter Drop

A drop of Ultra-bitter Spray in Pikmin 2

The Ultra-Bitter Spray is a purple spray appearing only in Pikmin 2. The player can get it from either ten berries from a Burgeoning Spiderwort or by finding a concentrated dose. The first time one of these berries is found, the ship gives a short speech and then requests the Captains to bring it another specimen. After the ship receives nine more berries, it will create an Ultra-Bitter Spray. The Ultra-Bitter Spray is much rarer than the Ultra-Spicy Spray.

Concentrated doses of Ultra-Bitter Spray can be found by breaking eggs, defeating petrified enemies, fighting Doodlebugs, squishing the insects at the Wistful Wild, or defeating purple Unmarked Spectralids. Purple berry-producing Burgeoning Spiderworts are located in every above ground region except the Valley of Repose.


This spray temporarily turns enemy creatures into stone, and consequently immobilizes them. When a common enemy is defeated during petrification, it will crumble to dust as its spirit flies away, making it clear that it dies, and it leaves behind one dosage of a liquid, this being either nectar or a spray. Bosses will drop four or five doses of liquid, while the Titan Dweevil will drop ten doses. Plants and Candypop Buds cannot be petrified.

Petrifying enemies that are in the process of eating any Pikmin will make it possible to save those Pikmin from dying. The only true downside to this spray is that it slightly increases the endurance of the enemies affected.

In 2-Player Mode, this spray can also be used to disarm the opponent's Pikmin by planting them in the ground, and thus reverting all flower- and bud Pikmin to leaves. Although the Pikmin will automatically jump back out of the ground after a few seconds, they will not regain their buds or flowers.

The player can deploy Ultra-Bitter Spray by pressing the Z button in the Piklopedia. This does not affect the Ultra-Bitter Spray quantity in the actual game.




An Ultra-Bitter exhibiting a blue color.

  • Ultra-Bitter Sprays may be colored blue under the varied lighting conditions of the game's caves.